Weekly Newsletter
September 4-September 8, 2023
Manchester Homecoming Parade!
Terri O’Daniel, Executive Director
Thanks to the Academy Families who showed their school spirit by walking 2 miles while being led by our school van!
We have very generous students who treated the masses with candy!
School Closed on Tuesday, October 3
due to large crowds visiting the
Relic of St. Jude on display in St. Joseph’s Church.
Academy Families are invited to arrive at 12:30
to be first in line to see the relic.
What is a relic?
Religious relics are often preserved and displayed in places of worship, churches, monasteries, or special reliquaries (containers designed to hold and protect relics). These locations become destinations for pilgrims and devotees seeking a connection with the Divine through His servants who lived their lives in response to an extraordinary calling by God while on earth.
Thank you to all the families that attended our first Parent Coffee.
I enjoyed our conversation, and I hope you all found it informative. The parents at the coffee requested electronic copies of parent and staff emails. Mrs. Cantareira will be sending those out next week.
Please check your emails and Google Classroom for updates from your child’s teachers. I am very excited to introduce Mrs. Janet Barmeier! Mrs. Barmeier is a certified SLP (speech and language pathologist) and special education teacher. She joins our faculty part-time and will teach social skills/communication and upper school (groups 1 & 2) religion.
Please take some time this weekend to review the parent/student handbook with your child. These are things that we discuss at school, but it is essential that you are aware of our rules and reinforce them at home with your child.
I look forward to meeting with our new families this week. Please sign up for a time slot if you still need to.
The Elementary class finally has a little girl!
This year, Lila Kutnik has joined our class family. She is a delightful little girl with a sweet smile who brings joy to our classroom—a big welcome to Lila and her family.
We are so happy you are here!
Our class continues to work hard to learn our routine and schedule. A big shout out to our friend, Emmett! He is always the first one ready to begin class, checking his schedule and following all the expectations. Emmett, we are so proud of you, and we thank you for being such a good role model to your friends!
We had a great week in the Intermediate room! The students enjoyed their mystery reward, which they can earn by being kind, respectful, working hard, and following directions. They have been doing a great job pushing through as we get into academics. I love seeing our little classroom family grow together and bond more each week!
Our Upper School Groups started implementing the curriculum into the daily routines this week with great success! History and ELA introduced the beginning of American culture and literature, learning about the early settlers and colonialism. We focused on authors Anne Bradstreet and William Bradford and began digging into the lifestyle of the pilgrims and Puritans. In Science, we focused on what to expect in Environmental Science this year. Students became familiar with the differences between natural environments and built environments. They took a look at how humans have changed the environment throughout the course of time, from hunter-gatherers to modern industrialization. Please look for a complete course overview and syllabus for each of our classes in your weekly email. A hard copy was also sent home with students last week. Daily assignments and Enrichment Learning Opportunities can be found in your child’s Google classroom accounts. We hope to have a parent link sent out soon as well.
Student Highlight:
We want to give a shout-out to Lil Wilbers for her exceptional compliance and cooperation in facing the hurdles of her current physical restrictions. We know how hard this transition is for her, and she is doing such a great job persevering. Also, we’d like to thank the students who have helped support her by staying down to eat lunch with her every day and being so positive and kind!
This week, we were able to start spending time working on more individual and group lessons. We’ve continued our focus on weather as we will throughout the next two months. We enjoyed a field trip to the park to observe and record weather information. We also introduced/reviewed some community signs and information, especially as we are out in the community more this year!
Kenny and Lili enjoyed their time back at Mercy to volunteer and learn more job-related skills. We are super proud of them!
Supporting Teachers and Reaching Students
STARS (ASTL Parent Association)
Join us for a fun family night of BinGLOW on Friday, September 29!
Please RSVP by September 15
Come join us in a fun evening of Glow in the Dark Bingo!
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, September 12-14– New Family Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Friday, September 22 – Staff Development Day, NO SCHOOL
- Friday, September 29 – STARS BinGLOW Event (Details coming soon)
- Tuesday, October 3 – St. Joseph Manchester is hosting a relic of St. Jude
- Wednesday, October 4– Pet Blessing
- Wednesday, October 11– Parent Coffee
- Thursday, October 19– End of First Quarter
- Friday, October 20– Grandparents Day 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Each day, the entree includes fruit and chips.
You can select additional items a la carte.
Please be sure to place your order by midnight the night before.
Please call Mrs. Cantareira with any questions at 636-534-5099.