The new school year is just around the corner! Make sure you buy these items to make sure that your star student is ready for success:
- 4 – 1 inch VIEW binders (clear pockets on the front and back covers to add title pages)
- 4 – 1/2 inch VIEW binders (clear pockets on the front and back covers to add title pages)
- 3 sets of 8 count PLASTIC TAB dividers
- 1 pack of 200 ct. reinforced wide-ruled loose leaf paper
- 1 – 2 pencil holder box/pouches
- 1 pack pencil-top erasers
- 1 pack of colored pencils (12 ct)
- 1 pack of thick dry-erase markers
- 2 deodorants
- 2 packs of Sticky notes
- 1 Datexx 2-Line Calculator
- 1 pack of Markers
- 3 highlighters (pink, yellow, and orange – no blue)
- 3 boxes of Kleenex
- 4 glue-sticks
- Scissors
- 1 poster board – poster size
- 1 foam core board
- 1 white t-shirt to be decorated at school for Art class (over-sized)
- Locker shelf
- Decorations for locker (if wanted)
- 3 containers of Clorox wipes
- 1 pack of #2 pencils
- 3 two-pocket LAMINATED YELLOW folders
- 3 large packs of gum (student’s choice) – to be replenished as needed
- Sensory fidgets (i.e. squeeze balls, putty, Koosh balls, Puffer balls, gel beads ball, stress balls, etc.)
- 1 8oz hand sanitizer bottle
We’re looking forward to another wonderful and productive year!