Weekly Newsletter
October 23-October 27, 2023
Picture Day is Wednesday, November 8. Students should wear their Academy of St. Louis uniform. Please see the attached Klings and Things order form.
Sunday, November 5, 2023, from 12-3 p.m.
The Academy of St. Louis will hold an Open House from 12-3 p.m. on Sunday, November 5. Please invite any friends that would like to hear more about our school.
October Birthday Celebration will take place on Tuesday, October 31. The Academy will provide pizza and a special treat to celebrate all the October birthdays.
On Tuesday, the Academy will celebrate All Saints Day with a Saint Parade. We encourage all students to dress like their favorite Saint. They can bring their costume to school and change into them before the Parade. We will also celebrate the October Birthdays with our pizza party.
Thank you to all the parents and students who participated in the conferences last week. We love sharing and celebrating all the great things your children are accomplishing! Please remember to send hats, gloves, and coats with your child. The weather is changing, and we will continue to go outside for recess if it is above 32* and the weather permits!
Grandparents’ Day was a huge success! Thank you to all who attended. The students loved showing their visitors around their classrooms and sharing their day. They were all wonderful hosts and hostesses. It was a great way to practice all the social skills they have been working on!
The academic rigor and expectations are increasing as we move into the second quarter. Please continue to work with your child at home, and always reach out to the teachers if you have questions or concerns. Remember, we are here to help your child push through the hard things and show them they can do it!
We are starting to prepare for the Veteran’s Day Assembly, and we need your help. We will honor Academy Veterans and their families who have served or continue to serve in the military. If you have a service member you would like to honor, please email a picture with name, rank, branch, and job duties. If you know a Veteran who would like to attend our Veteran’s Day celebration
Please contact Kathy Lagos at klagos@acadstl.org
We will be happy to send them an invitation to attend.
We are also looking for any Boy or Girl Scouts who want to help with the flag ceremony.
Thank you to all the family members of students at the Academy who have served or continue to serve in the military.
Empathy is a big word for children. Last week, we introduced this word, talking about what it meant. It is hard for children to put themselves in someone else’s shoes. We must help our children, guiding them and allowing them to practice this vital skill.
Children’s books can be a powerful tool for teaching empathy and kindness. Our class read the story of a little girl named Sally McCabe, the smallest girl in the smallest grade. Because Sally was always paying extra special attention, she would notice when someone was feeling sad, hurt, or alone. One day, something magical happened when Sally stood up and exclaimed, “I’m tired of seeing this terrible stuff. Stop hurting each other. This is enough!” A chain reaction of kindness began when many others joined Sally in standing up and saying, “This is enough!”
Our class decided we, too, would join Sally in this chain reaction of kindness. We have promised to do our best when treating others with empathy and kindness. Would you also like to be a part of our chain reaction?
This week, we talked about apologizing and forgiving others. We discussed when to apologize, what makes a good apology, and why it is important to put ourselves in another person’s shoes to understand how they might feel in a situation. This idea of taking another person’s perspective can be very challenging to understand, but it is an important step in our social development!
We also began to talk about maps and learning various map skills, such as the cardinal directions and using those to read a map. The students seem to be very excited about working with maps! We also read a silly story, Punctuation Takes a Vacation, to help us understand when to use the various punctuation marks in our writing. While we are working on some of these concepts as a group, each student simultaneously works on the individual skills they need in math and reading. We want to thank the high school students for being so kind and coming in to help us improve our math skills. We had so much fun getting to work with you all and greatly appreciate your support!
This week in history, we took a quiz about the Pilgrims, Puritans, and Pennsylvania. We continued our study of the American Colonies by learning more about the Middle Colonies.
This week in ELA, students continued to analyze the reasons Kit Tyler feels so out of place in her new environment and make personal connections with the characters in our story. We also had our Ch. 2 quiz in Environmental Science over the first three lessons and are preparing for the Chapter Test that will take place at the end of November. Student Focus this week is Nathan Roeslein for being a positive role model in the classroom!
This week, we talked about personal finance as we prepared for our trip to the Economy Museum.
The Economy Museum was filled with all kinds of valuable information about money and its history, how our economy works, and many hands-on activities to help supplement our understanding.
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, October 31-All Saints Day Parade
- Tuesday, October 31-Skyhawk Sports 2:45 p.m.
- Wednesday, November 1– NO SCHOOL
- Thursday, November 2-Drama Club 2:45 p.m.
- Sunday, November 5-Open House Noon-3:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, November 7-Skyhawk Sports 2:45 p.m.
- Wednesday, November 8-Picture Day
- Wednesday, November 8– Yearbook Club 2:45 p.m.
- Thursday, November 9- Parent Resource Meeting via ZOOM Pathways to Independence
- Friday, November 10- Veterans Day Celebration
- Wednesday, November 15– Dr. John Bruno 6:30 p.m. in Cafeteria
- Friday, November 17– November Birthday Celebration
- Tuesday, November 21– Thanksgiving Feast
- Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, November 22, 23, and 24– NO SCHOOL
Each day, the entree includes fruit and chips.
You can select additional items a la carte.
Please be sure to place your order by midnight the night before.
Please call Mrs. Cantareira with any questions at 636-534-5099.