Week of:
- Monday, February 15: School Closed-President’s Day
- Friday, February 19-return registration with $750 registration fee to Mrs. Colleen Cantareira in our main office.
- After February 19, we will open up registration to those families who would like to enroll their child at the Academy next school year.
- Friday, March 5: End of 3rd quarter
- Monday, March 8-14: Spring Break
- March 17 & 18: Conferences
- Friday, April 1-5: Easter Break

“Jesus LOVES you and so do we!”
What a great week had! Thank you to all our school families for choosing Catholic School for your kids!
Enjoy a few fun pics of our week!

Service Day
Room 2 took donated diapers to Our Lady’s Inn.
Fun and colorful doors!
Room 5 cleaned the grounds at St. Joseph Parish – Manchester
February 7, 2021
Weekly Memo

Check it out!
St. Louis Business Journal this week
St. Louis Character: Terri O’Daniel helps kids with learning disabilities achieve their potential. Click this green link to read more:

Girls Religion
Mrs. Hayden
Room 2: The middle school girls have grown so much in their faith. They are doing a great job of connecting their actions with what is going on in their hearts. Their behavior is a reflection of Christ to others. When they act with love and kindness, Christ is revealed. When they act less than that, they are denying the Christ in them. A big focus has been placed on the 10 Commandments which will be a guide for them the rest of their lives.
Room 5: We continue our series on Theology of Body. Specifically, we’ve been discussing what St. John Paul II calls the “Feminine Genius”. What does it mean to be fully man and fully woman? What makes women unique?
Follow Us!

A Message from the Executive Director - Terri O'Daniel
Our virtual open house is online and available to view anytime. Click on the website to view. You may recognize a friend or two! Often, your family, friends, and child’s health care providers want to know more about your child’s daily environment at school. Please share our open house and spread the love we share everyday.
Thanks to all our parents who have contributed to this year’s Annual Appeal. If you have not done so, please consider giving a tax deductible donation to the Academy through our Annual Appeal. Although tuition and fundraising comprises the largest portion of our budget, there still remains a gap that needs to be filled through our Annual Appeal and Auction. Ideally, we would like to have 100% family participation as this reflects well when we apply for grants from foundations, organizations, and individuals.

Absent or Late?
Who do you call?
Please use the school numbers for absences or late. Thank you!!

Boy’s Religion – Mr. Tardif
Room 2: We continued our discussion on the seven Sacraments this week. Hopefully, as three of the boys are preparing to receive at least one sacrament this spring, our conversation has given them a better understanding of what they mean. This week we covered Confirmation and the Eucharist–the very center of life in Christ. Room 5: This week, because of the anniversary of Roe v Wade we had a serious conversation about legalized abortion in America. The boys were encourage to consider both sides of the argument, but ultimately to understand what abortion truly is, and why as Christians we must stand up for both mother and child, praying for an end to abortion in this country. |

Family Contributions ReviewJANUARY: Goal: Obtain 5 Ads/Sponsorships
(See Donation Form) If auction is ONLINE we will STILL have a program book it will be ONLINE as well. Questions? Call Kelly Winter 636-368-6274 |
Parent – Teacher ConferencesConferences will March 17 & 18. You’ll have a chance to sign up for your child’s conference before Spring Break during the week of March 1-5.