Weekly Newsletter
April 29 – May 3, 2024
Principal’s Corner, Mrs. Kathy Puettmann
The school year is rapidly ending with a whirlwind of events and fun activities. While we are often excited about these things, it can cause a great deal of anxiety and stress for our students. We work hard at school to give them as much information and preparation as possible when our schedule changes. However, your support as parents is crucial during this time. Please keep this in mind while planning summer activities for your children. They are anxious about being out of school and having their routine disrupted. Please start developing a schedule and calendar with them so they have predictability over the summer months. We will be talking about this here at school as well.
The Academy of St. Louis partners with St. Louis University’s Paul C. Reinert, S.J., Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic each year. This year, our SLU faculty supervisors, Angela Adrian, and Julia Hoffmann, secured a grant for our school to help students with Functional Narrative & Conversational Discourse. The project was designed to improve the quality of life and independence with overall communication for our students, specifically in narrative and conversational discourse. The grant also secured various materials for the Academy to keep and use in our classes. The graduate students did an outstanding job, and our students showed marked improvement. We are so grateful to Julia and Angela for their commitment to our school!

May Crowning on Friday, May 10
The event will be in the Parish Center. Please come in Door 5 or 9.
Please bring one flower per person to present to the Blessed Mother. We will have some available if you are not able to bring one
We will serve lunch immediately after the ceremony. After lunch, the students are dismissed to leave.
If you are unable to attend, we anticipate dismissal at 11:30 am.
Parent Association
Please join us in celebrating our amazing staff and teachers by sending $20 (cash or check) to the office if you have not already done so. Also, please consider sending a personal note from you or your student by Wednesday.

Sign-Up Genius for Field Day
The BIG DAY is fast approaching! Field Day is less than four weeks away, on Friday, May 17. This year, we ask parents to help make it even more awesome!
We are asking for (4) parents to help prepare lunch (BBQ burgers and hot dogs, which the school will provide).
We also need (10) parents to help organize and run our afternoon stations. Field Day can only be successful if many parents assist at the various stations.
Don’t worry if you can only help half the day; we will not turn anyone away! I only ask that you do not bring younger siblings because your attention is needed at the stations and on the students.
Thank you in advance for volunteering on this fun day!!!
Summer is just around the corner, and the Academy Class Pet, Peeps, is available for anyone who wants to care for him while school is out. We have slots for all of July and the first two weeks of August. If you and your child are interested in the bunny for a week, please sign up through the Sign-up Genius or contact Mrs. Hodge with any questions.
Mark Your Calendars for the Award Ceremony May 16
The First Annual Award Ceremony will be on Thursday, May 16, at 1:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. The award ceremony will be a special time when each of our students is recognized for a unique gift they share with all of us. We hope you will join us in celebrating our students!
Upcoming Events
- May 6-10-Staff Appreciation Week
- Tuesday, May 7 – Skyhawk Sports 2:40-3:40 – Last one of the sessions.
- Friday, May 10 – May Crowning at 10:30 a.m. All mothers and grandmothers are invited. RSVP Here
- May 13-15- Parent Teacher Conference
- Thursday, May 16 – 1:30 pm – Awards Ceremony in Parish Center
- Friday, May 17- Field Day and May Birthday celebration
- Monday, May 20- Graduation at 6:30 p.m. ALL FAMILIES WELCOME TO COME. Last day of school for 8th and 12th graders.
- Wednesday, May 22- Last Day of School Dismissal at 11:30 a.m.

What does a class do when one of their friends comes to school with Mama Mia on their mind? We sing and dance, of course, to Mama Mia! Here We Go Again, the well-known song from the 2008 musical.
In addition to working hard, our class takes several breaks to sing and dance throughout the day. We often begin our day by singing hello to one another. We sometimes sing simple songs that reinforce what is being taught in class. We sing songs that demonstrate pride in our country. We use imaginary microphones, and we sing our favorite songs. Singing and dancing together has not only been fun but has also helped us develop a wonderful sense of family.
These will be special times we will never forget.
Watch the THREE videos below!

What we learned:
In reading, we continued our unit on prefixes and suffixes. We learned how they change a word’s meaning and their spelling rules.
Our highlights of the week:
Devon Mueller: “Having a fun time with my teachers and my friends.”
Isaac West: “When Peeps was standing to get his food, he looked really big.”
Eva Johns: “The best part of my week was reading because we played Kahoot. I got first place for my second time!”
Colin Inestronza: “The best part of my week was having fun with trains.”
Max Vogl: “I’m proud of myself for doing division.”
William Siebert: “Having fun with friends chilling out.”

This week, we finished our unit in American Romanticism with one of the most well-known poets of his time, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. All three groups began studying for the end-of-year finals. We will take the exam in sections over multiple class sessions from May 13 to 17. Everyone has a study guide they can use at home and additional study material in Google Classroom. Group 1 should be wrapping up their book reports. They are due on May 17 but can be submitted at any time. In Science, we are reviewing the biomes we covered in Chapter 5 and preparing for the final in Groups 1 and 2. Group 3 has begun working on their end-of-the-year Biome Project. Students will create a display board with information on their assigned biome in class and build a model replica of their biome.
Please send in a shoe box or similar-sized box by Monday, May 6th.

We continued studying nutrition in the Independent Living class, exploring the website www.myplate.gov. We also took a food quiz and looked up different foods.
This week in Math, we worked on our individualized worksheets and our individualized programs in IXL.
In Writing class this week, we worked on typing.com and worked on our individualized work in our writing folder. Have a good weekend.

Sensory-Friendly Family Night at the Missouri Botanical Garden
June 3, 2024 | 5:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.
4344 Shaw Blvd. | St. Louis, MO | 63110
Explore, discover, and experience the beauty of the Missouri Botanical Garden and all its wonders at this family-friendly event. This event allows children and adults with sensory-processing needs to experience the Garden in a secure environment.
Adult: $1
Child (Age 3-18): $1
Child (age 0-2): Free
Get ready for a thrilling evening filled with hands-on activities, a visit to the Children’s Garden, and an exploration of the indoor Brookings Exploration Center, complete with a calming corner! The event will also feature interactive music activities by Different Dynamics. Please note that food services and gift shops will be closed during this event.
For questions or more information, please get in touch with us at 1-800-200-2119 or info@esmw.org