Weekly Newsletter
April 20 – April 26, 2024
From the Desk of Mrs.Terri O’Daniel, Executive Director
Last evening’s auction was a tremendous success. It’s too early to announce the total for the night as expenses still have to be deducted, but it was a very successful evening. We had donations of $87,000 before the evening of the auction. The final number will be announced this week.
Your children’s performance was so dear.
Thank you to all of our families and volunteers who worked too hard to make this event happen. Also, thanks to our auction chairperson, Kelly Winter, who organized and created a flawless, meticulously run evening!
All your energy, time, and love paid off. Thank you!
May Crowning on Friday, May 10
The event will be in the Parish Center. Please come in Door 5 or 9.
Please bring one flower per person to present to the Blessed Mother. We will have some available if you are not able to bring one
We will serve lunch immediately after the ceremony. After lunch, the students are dismissed to leave.
If you are unable to attend, we anticipate dismissal at 11:30 am.
Parent Association
Please join us in celebrating our amazing staff and teachers by sending $20 (cash or check) to the office by Tuesday, April 29. Also, please consider sending a personal note from you or your student by Wednesday.
Sign-Up Genius for Field Day
The BIG DAY is fast approaching! Field Day is less than four weeks away, on Friday, May 17. This year, we ask parents to help make it even more awesome!
We are asking for (4) parents to help prepare lunch (BBQ burgers and hot dogs, which the school will provide).
We also need (10) parents to help organize and run our afternoon stations. Field Day can only be successful if many parents assist at the various stations.
Don’t worry if you can only help half the day; we will not turn anyone away! I only ask that you do not bring younger siblings because your attention is needed at the stations and on the students.
Thank you in advance for volunteering on this fun day!!!
On Wednesday, the Yearbook celebrated the last meeting of the year with a party! The Academy Scrapbook was completed and on display at the Auction. The kids worked so hard all year!
Thursday was our last Culture Club of the year! The kids had a blast traveling around the world and learning all about the different countries. We spent a lot of time in Europe and never made it to South America or Australia so I am encouraging everyone to look up some information on those cultures over the summer! Maybe you and your family can celebrate with some interesting cuisine- or even better- take a trip! Thank you to all who participated in our potluck celebration.
Mark Your Calendars for the Award Ceremony May 16
The First Annual Award Ceremony will be on Thursday, May 16, at 1:30 pm in the Parish Center. The award ceremony will be a special time when each of our students is recognized for a unique gift they share with all of us. We hope you will join us to celebrate our students!
Upcoming Events
- Monday, April 29 – NO SCHOOL
- Tuesday, April 30 – Skyhawk Sports 2:40-3:40
- Thursday, May 2 – National Day of Prayer
- Friday, May 3 – Upper School Group 1 and 2 Field Trip to Forest Park
- May 6-10-Staff Appreciation Week
- Tuesday, May 7 – Skyhawk Sports 2:40-3:40 – Last one of the session.
- Friday, May 10 – May Crowning at 10:30 a.m. All mothers and grandmothers are invited. RSVP Here
- May 13-15- Parent Teacher Conference
- Thursday, May 16 – 1:30 pm – Awards Ceremony in Parish Center
- Friday, May 17- Field Day and May Birthday celebration
- Monday, May 20- Graduation at 6:30 p.m. ALL FAMILIES WELCOME TO COME. Last day of school for 8th and 12th graders.
- Wednesday, May 22- Last Day of School Dismissal at 11:30 a.m.
Learning how to read is a big part of the elementary classroom. Students need to be able to decode unfamiliar words to become good readers. In our classroom, we spend a lot of time developing our decoding skills in a fun and interactive way.
This week, we discussed all the things readers do to become better readers. After reading a story, the students will often ask, “Why must we reread this?” With repeated reading, we become better readers. Our fluency and reading comprehension improve as we practice and engage in rereading.
There are some students in the elementary classroom who already know how to read. These students spend their time working on developing a deeper comprehension.
This week, we will highlight Jonathan as he shares ways to become a better reader.
What we learned:
“Devon Muller learned a flower that it has roots and air and this flower needs sunlight to survive.” – Devon Mueller
“In Social Studies we learned about Local Governments.” – Eva Johns
“I learned Bar graphing fractions and Subtraction.” – Max Vogl
“This week I learned prefix and suffix.” – William Siebert
Our highlights of the week:
“The best part of my week was playing with trains.” – Colin Inestronza
“The best part of my week is fractions.” – William Siebert
“Today we finished Auction practice. Mrs. Hodge did a great job helping us.” – Eva Johns
“Devon Mueller is proud to not give up when some things are hard. Devon loves all of his friends and all of his teachers.” – Devon Mueller
This week in ELA we dove into the dark depths of Edgar Allen Poe. Our emphasis was on his four main literary styles Allegory, Alliteration, Repetition, and Rhyme. We will be wrapping up our American Romanticism Authors next week with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Students have received their study guides for their end-of-year finals, and we will be reviewing all of the material in class over the course of the next few weeks. Please help them set aside some time at home to study as well. In Science, we finished Ch.5 on Biomes. This week, we covered freshwater biomes, including lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams. We will begin reviewing for our end-of-the-year final overall of Chapter 5 next week!
This week in history, we wrapped up our unit on the US Constitution and have started to review it. We worked on completing our study guides. We also reviewed the Articles of Confederation, the Constitutional Convention, and the branches of government.
In history, we continued learning about the American Revolution. We spent this week studying the Declaration of Independence.