Weekly Newsletter
September 11-September 15, 2023
Thank you to all the new families that participated in our conferences. It is such a pleasure to share in your children’s success! Just a reminder that your child may be eligible to receive special education services after school through SSD. The program is called SNAP. Please contact me if you are interested in learning more.
There will be no school for staff development on Friday, September 22, and Tuesday, October 3, 2023, due to St. Jude’s relic being displayed at St. Joseph.
A big shout out to our friend, Jack! He has been working so hard daily, using his voice to communicate with us. We love it when we hear his voice!!!
I’m incredibly proud of our class this week – We have created a great family! They are always so eager to help out and comfort a friend. I love to see them spreading kindness!
Also, we are looking forward to celebrating Eva’s birthday this week!
Students continued to learn about the Early American Colonialism- in US history. They focused on the lifestyle and dwellings of the Native American culture. In ELA, we studied Bradford’s “Of Plymouth Plantation” and had our first Literature on the Lawn Lesson, where students brought in blankets and immersed themselves in 17th-century literature. On Monday, we will have a vocab Quiz in Science over lessons 1-3.
Students have physical copies of all the terms in their binders!
We enjoyed a special treat this week by making our homemade apple pies. We all took turns peeling apples, checking on the oven, and enjoying a yummy slice, too!
Clubs will begin next week on September 20th. Each club will be limited to 10 students and cost $75.00 for the semester.
On Wednesdays, we will start the Yearbook Club with Mrs. Hartmann. The club will meet each Wednesday after school until 3:45. Members of the club will help at all events by taking photographs. The club will also design and organize the 23-24 yearbook.
The Drama Club will meet on Thursdays after school with Mrs. Hodge. This club will work each week on a Christmas play that they will perform at the end of the semester for parents.
Please use this form to sign up for the clubs. https://forms.gle/ec2e2SN7tf5H7p3o6
Supporting Teachers and Reaching Students
STARS (ASTL Parent Association)
Join us for a fun family night of BinGLOW on Friday, September 29!
Please RSVP by September 15
Come join us in a fun evening of Glow in the Dark Bingo!
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, September 20- Dr. John Bruno Presentation (See below for details)
- Thursday, September 21-Parent Auction Meeting via Zoom 7:00 p.m.
- Friday, September 22 – Staff Development Day, NO SCHOOL
- Friday, September 29 – STARS BinGLOW Event (Details coming soon)
- Tuesday, October 3 – St. Joseph Manchester is hosting a relic of St. Jude
- Wednesday, October 4– Pet Blessing
- October 6-8-Tootsie Roll Drive
- Wednesday, October 11– Parent Coffee
- Thursday, October 12– Bhavik Patel-Parent Resource Night via Zoom 7:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, October 18– Dr. John Bruno Presentation 7:00 p.m. Cafeteria
- Thursday, October 19– End of First Quarter
- Friday, October 20– Grandparents Day 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Each day, the entree includes fruit and chips.
You can select additional items a la carte.
Please be sure to place your order by midnight the night before.
Please call Mrs. Cantareira with any questions at 636-534-5099.